

How do I find out information?

Marching band is a learning experience for students and parents. It is normal to have questions and we don't want you to feel lost or in the dark. Here is where to find answers.


LOBB emails newsletters throughout the entire year. During marching season we add a marching centered newsletter. They are full of important facts and placed into bite sized nuggets, perfect to read from any device. Be sure to click and read them thoroughly so that you don't miss any details.


Look for "Lake Orion High School Bands" for LOHS specific band conversation. Mr. Steele and Ms. Shanks post here frequently and it's a great place to give encouragement and cheer on students.


Datelines are detailed time lines released by the band directors a few days before every competition.

Datelines list the uniform requirements, meal times, itinerary, and other reminders.


All emergency messages and travel updates are sent by the band directors through an app called BAND. For marching band reminders join the BAND app using the following links:



Still have questions?

The LOBB Communications Director serves as the band's digital telephone operator, fielding your questions and concerns. If she doesn't know the answer, she quickly forwards the question to the people who do. Do not hesistate to contact her at