We have had a significant increase in the number of marchers sitting out during rehearsals
Several students have been either dehydrated. A few have been nauseous.
It's not surprising that the dehydrated kids report not drinking much water.
The nauseous reported having Checkers for dinner.
Please talk with your student about the importance of drinking enough water
- the day before rehearsal
- the day of rehearsal
- and the day after rehearsal
The amount of activity in an average LOMB rehearsal really takes a toll on their bodies. And that's in normal heat. When it gets hot or humid, the need for water only increases.
As for the Checkers, we've warned you.
Every. Single. Year. Someone. Vomits. In. The. Parking. Lot.
Please make sure you're bringing them gentle food. There's a reason why there isn't a buffet table along the sidelines at sporting events. Marching band isn't anything different.
Every single year folks. Every single year.